Wednesday, 16 May 2012


It's hot, well, at least, it has been sunny for about ten days now, two weekends, and the temperature is rising, has risen and is now holding steady. Ish.

Last weekend we took the kayaks out and I also went swimming - the outdoor pools were all open at the Static's park, which was a delight. Lovely. When the sun is out, the weekends seem more relaxing, we can sit in the patch of garden and drink Margaritas. We can eat outside. And we can eat just salads and be happy about it.

And TV is coming to an end for the summer. Yes, that time yet again, just like the days getting shorter or longer, it happens (here) every year and yet I never see it coming. Thank goodness for Scandinavia is all I can say, they seem to be producing some good police drama.

This coming weekend will be a long weekend for us, I'm looking forward to having an extra day off. But it's also going to mark a year since my friend Anne died. I still can't believe she's not coming back.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Quantum Theories

I love the theory of Quantum Politics. I also like the terms 'Romniverse' and Romneomics'.

I'm also loving the scale of the universe - hours of mind-boggling fun.

In local news, a woman fell to her death while supposedly strapped to a hang-gliding instructor. The instructor is currently being held by the police for obstructing the course of justice - he has allegedly swallowed the memory card that was in the video cam attached to the hang-glider. I can't begin to imagine the fear that woman must have felt as she knew she was falling out of the sky.