I was intrigued yesterday to read on WebMD that a recent study had shown that "People who have never married are more likely to die -- at all ages -- than people who are married and live together...." Strange. The two researchers took already existing government data and did statistical analysis on it. I too had to do statistical analysis as part of the quantitative methods section of the research module for my MA. I think it's one of those things where, depending on your brain abilities it either looks like a piece of cake to you or an impenetrable knot of figures. For me, the latter, but I could see that it was a very valid form of research, in fact since one problem for most forms of research is that the researcher affects the research, it almost looks like the perfect method.
Ah, not so. The biggest problem is in deciding which numbers you are going to interpret. Sadly Kaplan and Kronick dropped the ball on that one.
For some reason which can only be due to too little coffee or too much alcohol, they excluded unmarried couples living together but included single gay men.
So let me run that by you again. They are in California, although we are not told whether it is just figures from that State they are using, and they leave out gay men in permanent relationships, but include the ones who are at that time doing the old Bath house shuffle. Nice work lads. When the statistics showed you that married people are less likely to die from infectious diseases you didn't think, 'hmmmm..'?
And yet they published it anyway.
Another piece which floated past my nose yesterday, was the actual story behind the 'rumour' that I commented on a couple of days ago. This article was written and the weirdo interviewed by a Vancouver journo, Terry Glavin who writes for, among other things, the Georgia Straight. It's a good thorough write-up of Terry's investigation of Barrie Zwicker's claims that all of the terrorist activities since and including the 11th of September, are a western plot to discredit Islam. *Dr. Evil's puts his little finger to his lips and says* 'Riiiiiiiight.'
Good news for overweighties like myself is that we are more likely to survive a heart attack. What it does mention is that BMI might not be a good indicator of fat because it can't take into account muscle mass, what it doesn't mention is whether fatties are more likely to suffer a heart attack in the first place, which we have always been told is the case. Still, I can't help having a little smile to myself. A friend of mine recently suffered the indignity of having a heart doctor poke her and say condescendingly, 'My you are a big woman aren't you?' Hopefully the next time she does that to someone the person might reply, 'Ah yes, all the better to survive a heart attack.'
"A U.S. federal judge ordered tobacco companies Thursday to admit they lied about the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes."
Ok, the judge ordered tobacco companies to admit they lied. I think the wording of this report neatly side-steps the issues. I'm not saying the article is badly written, far from it, I think that is probably something quite near to what the judge said. How does a tobacco company say anything? How does a company lie? The company here is held to be something more or other than the people in it. Because the bottom line is, people, actual people conspired to lie to the public. Somewhere and at some time, a bunch of suits sat down and all decided that in order to protect their profits, they would endeavour to deceive the public and therefore place their lives at risk. Now I only know what American law I see on TV, but I'm pretty sure that deliberately placing someone's life at risk, and very serious risk at that, or conspiring to do so, is illegal. And yet the 'companies' are having their wrists slapped. No-one will be held accountable for this in any way other than being told to clean-up their act and not do it again.
Truth, if there be any, is in the details.
new blog
6 years ago
My Great Gran Had 3 husbands.In the 1920's was advised by her doctor to take up smoking to help with weight loss. Died ONE month before her 100th birthday!
She also drank a bottle of Mackison Stout with her lunch everyday and always had Newberry Fruits for her Great Granddaughters!!
Haha, Simmi, sorry, but I just can't budge the visual from my head of your Great Gran and Terry Pratchett's character, Death. (Death always talks in capital letters)
GG's 80th birthday
GG - Oh, it's you, I know what you want.
Death - IT IS TIME
GG - The feck it is (folds arms and plants feet firmly apart)bugger off! I ain't ready yet, take me auld man instead, there's plenty more where he came from.
Death - (holding up empty hourglass) YOU CANNOT CHOOSE YOUR TIME
GG - 'Course you can, (snatches hourglass and turns it up the other way) There you go, now run along.
GG's 90th birthday
GG - I was expecting you
Death - IT IS TIME
GG - Alright, just wait 'til I've eaten me last chookie egg
GG - Gi'us that big egg timer will ya? (snatches hourglass and turns it upside down again)
death - D'OH!
Day before GG's 100th birthday
GG -(sitting in chair in the kitchen, smoking a rollie and waiting for Sandra the hairdresser to come and give her a quick trim for her brithday celebrations) That you Sand?
Death - (sneaking up behind and getting the scythe ready)YES, IT IS ME, SANDRA, THE HAIRDRESSER, I AM JUST TESTING MY SCISSORS.
GG - Oh bugger.....
I'm sure it was exactly like that.
She had a mastectomy when she was 94!
I hope Death gave her a job though, wouldn't mind her turning up for me, with Newberry Fruits of course!.
On the surviving a heart attack... the little ICU nurse in SF (Steph) said, skinny people are more likely to survive a code.
Guy in Northumberland survived impaling himself on a loose bit of his roof because his enormous beer-belly kept the stake away from his organs. In Wales a man became the first person to survive a wasting disease because the disease ran out of steam before the man ran out of fat. Hooray for pies and fried stuff.
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