Rather an inappropriate picture, yesterday's sunshine has given way to rain today. Nil desperandum though, it's amazing how a little trip to Old Navy can brighten things up.
A little Pomp and Circumstance sent by Sleepy however, soon had the waterworks full on. Can't beat it.
Holy Haddock, I tried embedding the actual video in there and it took over the whole page, so I've had to edit it back to just a link.
Dubya, meanwhile, has been further annoying the rest of the world with his inability to grasp the idea of climate change and the fact that he has to do something about it.
Always, as the article suggests, a divisive subject between him and Tony, the gap is now widening and deepening. But Dubya acknowledges that there are challenges, and says that the US takes them seriously. Bollocks he does. I have no idea why he even bothers to protest. Why doesn't he simply sign up for everything and then ignore it as he usually does. There's sweet Fanny Adams anyone can do - witness the whole Canadian lumber fisaco. It didn't matter which international court told him to pay back the money, he just pretended that if he thought he was invisible then no-one could see him. And if he thinks he is invincible then no-one can touch him.
Back in New Series land, the second episode of the new Kelsey Grammar comedy, 'Back to You' still makes me think that they only have their B team (at best) working on the scripts. Lame, predictable lines.
'SVU' feels like everything has been sparkled up, things were going seriously downhill during the previous series, and Olivia has the cutest hair yet.
'Cane', starring Jimmy Smits, Hector Elizondo, Rita Moreno and Attia of the Julii, looks good, hot, Hispanic and sexy but hasn't yet engaged. We'll see.
'Big Shots' is another of those shows about rich people, and when I say people, I mean men. The men are about making money and getting on in the big old tricksy world of business, the women look nice. Not nice in the Helen Mirren type of way, more the Malibu Barbie way.
Vampires abound. Sadly, in this case, the Canadian 'Blood Ties' is the one which seems formulaic and lightweight and largely dependent on Kyle Schmid's ability to smoulder whilst the American 'Moonlight' looks deeper and darker and a lot more stylish.
I mean, in my opinion, there can never be too many vampire shows, but let's push back those boundaries, let's boldly go where no vampire has gone before.
That's the ticket.
Dawn, if you're reading this, have a wonderful birthday tomorrow dear friend. The next one of us to turn half a century. As I will not tire of repeating, 1957, a great, great vintage.
new blog
6 years ago
You got to love that Elgar!
Congratulations on being able to look at/listen to Dubya..To me he is the real'Picture of Dorian Grey,' mediocrity given an ax and a license to kill.
Per Sleepy who took a gander at my private Blog and thought you might find it of interest as it isn't her cuppa but thought you might..If you're interested in taking a look I'd need an EMail of yours to send an invite.
If this is a violation of your privacy..it's O.K. Will understand. I have to date, only been posting my own poems so, there is little fun or the jauntiness of Sleepy's Blog.
Would be delighted and not at all a violation of my privacy - unless you try to sell me a Capital One card or a cell phone, oh, or try to con me into contributing to some police fund by telling me it will help catch criminals, now THAT'S a violation of privacy and an insult to my intelligence to boot ;)
PS You can get my e-mail from my profile.
artemsia.. It still won't let me in.
This birthday warrants a year-long celebration. Happy Birthday and Hooray for us and our peers! May we be renewed in vision and spirit!
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