A cameo of typical Pompey life. The church was packed for the children's crib service at 18.00. As we spilled out afterwards, so customers of the Fawcett Inn spilt onto the pavement at the end of the road.
Seeing the snake of people coming down the road, one bloke stepped out and spoke to someone he knew.
'What's going on?' he asked,
'Church innit, 's where I always go on Christmas Eve,'
'Oh, you're doing a spot of God bovverin',' he said, returning to his pint.
It was ever thus.
Midnight Mass was less crowded, but by then the pubs were shut.
Happy Christmas from me to you.
new blog
6 years ago
To you and yours.....
Seasons Greetings!
From Me and Mine!
Thank you kindly, and thanks for having the boy round last night, also thanks for sending him back in time for his tea:) (He'd been told when to get back, but I wasn't banking on it).
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