My new walk to work still sports only a few metres of pavement, but instead of walking along the side of a main road, I get to walk a trail, then a railway track, then another trail, all of which separates me from the mad motorists.
On Sunday, which seems so far behind us now, the body of Christ tasted a bit sweet, made me think perhaps they used a bun instead of bread. No reason why not I suppose, except that I thought that at the time which made me think of Eddie Izzard doing his bun sketch on one of the teaching videos we used to have for French.
'Bun,' he'd say, 'bun! You can't go into a shop and just ask for bun. I might think you mean all the buns in the shop, iced buns, hot-cross buns, all the buns and then I'd have to sell you all the buns and I'd have no buns left,' his voice rising in crescendo.
You had to hear Eddie Izzard doing it really.
Earlier in the week, Alex and I were checking the trails and a hawk swooped down quite near us. Then we realised there were two, and then, that one of them was taking twigs to a tree - then we saw the nest. It was a startling day, we had seen loads of hummingbirds, one hovering quite near us, its iridescent red throat startlingly beautiful.
This morning we found out that Laurence has passed his next belt test in Karate. Not because he told us, but because we read Facebook.
I guess that's just how it is these days.
new blog
6 years ago
I don't know what it is about that photo, other than it being excellent, but I have the tune to "The Littlest Hobo" in my head.
damn you, sleepy, damn you! Now I can't get that bloody tune out of my head.
Your walk to work sounds fantastic, schnee. You're probably 1 of about 3 people in Richmond who walk to work.
My work here is done!
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