Shippam's fish paste and cucumber sarnies. I know, there's no excuse really, but perhaps an explanation is called for.
Last time I went to Ikea, I bought some crab paste. It came in a squeezy tube, like Primula cheese, and I thought, 'yummers!'
But I was wrong.
'It's too salty,' said Kev, and he was right.
And yet....
I am compelled to eat it, because it tastes like Shippam's fish paste, and I want cucumber to complete it. It takes me back to those horrid little glass jars with the metal lids of childhood.
Ah...the metal lids of childhood.
The train carriages. Do they need explanation? Perhaps. They stopped me from getting out of the Park yesterday. Each carriage contains ten fully-grown cars. There are forty carriages, it goes slowly and it goes on forever.
It's funny, the British train experience is quite different, it has given rise to poetry, books, songs, films. But then so has the North American one, but it is quite, quite different.
Kevin thought that the picture of Sarah Palin and Boring Osama required some explanation. Me, I thought it was self-explanatory, 'much sport to be had at the weekend.' Perhaps he's right. It just...amused me.
Kevin designed the winning T-shirt in the company's this-year's competition. I thought it was easily the best, and in fact it wasn't a closely-run thing. All he gets is glory, but, well, glory he deserves. Eventually he'll get a T-shirt and so will everyone else.
BC still lags behind in the twenty-first century, as Ontario prepares to drag itself there by banning the use of cellphones whilst driving. Bear in mind that Québec has long since done so, as has Newfoundland, Labrador and Nova Scotia.
I was thinking. Well, actually, it was while we were rehearsing the Halloween play in French, so does that mean I wasn't thinking, but rather scrolling across the bottom of my own inner-screen?
Now I've confused myself, in fact, that's what I was thinking about. If I said I had mind-ache, you'd kinda know what I meant, methinks. But if I tried to say it in French, it wouldn't really work. I'd have to say I had ache of the spirit, or, getting even more literal, 'evil of the spirit'. Not the same. And yet usually, here, like I always say, the French is often more accurate.
Clearly, only up to a point.
Vampires again. I'm learning so much about them from 'True Blood'. It's so....earthy.
For example. In most vampire lit, the person being fed on becomes limp, listless, anaemic. By contrast, in True Blood, Sookie Stackhouse is energised by it, given clarity and heightened awareness. Sure, she has to take vitamin B12, but then many of us could do with some of that.
Conversely, humans who take vampire blood, V, as a drug, gain super-strength, sexual prowess and also heightened awareness. But they also experience symptoms of withdrawal if they can't feed their addiction.
Also, they seem to have a BIG problem with silver. There are trace elements of silver in the human body, but maybe not enough to affect a vampire who drinks human blood, on the other hand, if you do fear vamps feeding on you - in spite of the obvious health benefits - maybe you should take the controversial colloidal silver.
Or fishpaste. That'd probably put anyone and anything off.
new blog
6 years ago
That Shippam's stuff was always in those trianglular sarnies at kids parties.
Along with Swiss Roll, Wagonwheels, chocolate fingers etc!
Oh yes, choccie fingers were and still are lush, but swiss roll was the booby prize of the cake world.
Smothered in two inches of chocolate butter icing makes it just about bearable!
Oh no!
Great that you've stopped taking pictures of flowers, but I'm not sure Trainspotting is a responsible replacement!
Hahaha...well at least it can only have a limited life.
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