But I can't let it lie. It bugs me. Melissa Etheridge is indeed right. California is a rich state, richer than most countries. And those riches are largely generated by the film and music industries and by big corporations like Apple, Microsoft and Google.
The entertainment industries must have way more than the government issue one in ten gay women and men. In fact, I would say that it is pretty much dominated by either gay people or close friends thereof.
The big corps - no idea, but what we do know is that at least two of them, Apple and Google, came out publicly against Proposition 8. So the revenue generators in the state are, let us say at least probably, wholeheartedly against it. So it is the rednecks and hicks who are the bigots there, and yet who gain immensely from the money-makers.
So here's my solution. Bring 'em all up here. Melissa, Ellen, Apple, Google, come to the Hollywood of the North. We'll take your tax dollars and spend them on green initiatives whilst not denying a large percentage of our population the right to marry. We have plenty of room and the haemorrhage will cripple the already morally dead state of California. AND we're more than happy to increase our gay population, since they probably, as a body of people, are more productive than us breeders. (Whilst acknowledging that we do need children so that we can all retire at some point and still have our economy and service industries continue.)
Good, that's settled then.
At Schloss Schneewittchen, the painting is almost finished. I put the first coat on in the small bedroom. Of course, during the summer when I was doing most of the painting, I was able to continue for much longer, not losing light until well into the evening.
Today I was aware of the light changing even at 15.30 and after a break for Home Heist, it was all over until tomorrow. Just as well. Once again, the cheap and thirsty mushroom soup already on the walls, means I have to take a trip to Home Depot tomorrow.
And I booked my trip to the UK. Second week of the New Year, I'll be annoying the pigeons. I'll be travelling alone this time, since Kev had been planning a trip to the Emerald Isle with his dad later in the year, but we'll have to see whether that happens or not. At least he'll get a couple of weeks without me snoring.
new blog
6 years ago
Harvet Fierstein says it all for me.
"As it was in the beginning, it will probably
be in your time, too. From Plato to Walt Whitman, from Eleanor Roosevelt
to Sappho -- we are the cultural and social parents of ungrateful children.
We give them the houses they live in, the clothes they wear, the art and music
and food they enjoy. Do not wait for their thanks, but do the work for yourself.
Art must be enough in itself."
Hmm...he's right...and yet...I'm on a tear.
I'm not sure Plato had much of a problem however, at least with the homosexuality, certainly they weren't very keen on his 'subversive teachings'. Plato, interestingly, shows us a view of an original state of humankind when we were all double beings, so where our back is, another was joined facing the other way. Some beings were man/woman, some man/man and some woman/woman. Then we were split from our other half and so we search for them throughout our lives.
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