I was asked to write a reference yesterday, so today, after programming, I applied myself to finishing the task and submitting it electronically. Only to do so, you had to sign it electronically.
Now at Mayhem, at some point, the secretaries got us all to sign a piece of paper and then scanned them. On this website however, you had to sign a special box, using the mouse.
Ever tried writing in Paint? Yeah, well it was like that. It's difficult enough when Old Navy or Home Depot have those little electronic slate things you have to sign with a stylus, but this was a hundred times more awkward. Fortunately, it allowed you to try it as often as you wanted, so when I reached the point where my signature looked merely imbecilic as opposed to being produced by an illiterate rodent, I decided to save.
The result looked far from worthy however. I went back to the top of the page where I'd typed my name and added my letters. Then I went back and added the things in brackets that go with the letters. Then I clicked my heels, turned around three times and pressed send. If my friend doesn't become a doctor it'll be because of my poor mouse skills, and I'll have to live with that.
Doctors. William Beveridge's vision and Nye Bevan's determination to give post-war Britain a National Health Service, almost came to naught because of them. Ironic what?
The right-wing BMA, the professional body of the hospital doctors that Bevan so needed to actually work for the NHS, held out until Bevan, the ultra socialist Bevan, had to give up his ideal of a fully nationalised Health Service, with no private fees allowed, in order to give the majority of the country, particularly women, children and the elderly, free health care. He had to allow consultants to keep their outside consultancies, he had to allow GPs to be paid based on the number of patients in their practices rather than a flat salary, in short, Bevan said he had had to 'stuff their mouths with gold'. But the NHS was worth the sacrifice.
Obambi has been and gone. He even got to talk to the sensible one of our politicians, Michael Ignatieff, but I doubt there was time to pass on Canadian wisdom about Healthcare.
But he was given a pastry. If he didn't learn anything about Health Reform, at least he may have realised that a pastry is just that, and that a cake is NOT a pastry.
Baby steps.
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6 years ago
I can't believe you didn't mention that it was a BeaverTail.
Oh my goodness, is that what it was called!? Hahahahahaha:))))))))))))))
Beaver.... Fnar!
Beaver.... hehehehehehe..
It just doesn't stop being funny!
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