So it turns out.... this'll amaze you.... that people who live in societies with more gender equality have better sex. Ok, ok, in fact this study is talking about older people but I don't see why it should be any different for younger ones. You'd never have guessed that would ya?
I mean just as an extreme example, who, without doing a properly funded study on it, could work out that in societies where female circumcision, or castration as it really is, is carried out, that less and not such good sex was going to be available for both parties.
Last week I was equally amazed to find out that a study had shown that stress causes eating disorders - who'da thunk huh?
Now I have a number of very good friends who are American and two in particular that have been friends for a long time, in Dawn's case a very long time indeed. R, I know, worries a lot about how the world perceives the U.S. because of Bush (though personally I think she should worry just as much if not more on account of Cruise). Well, American journo Tim Dowling tells us that the U.S. State Department has issued a 16-page leaflet telling Americans how to act and how to avoid acting, when travelling abroad. He tells us that the pamphlet advises people that "it is inappropriate to tell people about the Bible "unless you are a professional missionary identified as such." "
He also says,
"Finally, ask yourself: do you hate George Bush enough to travel? You may think you hate him a lot, but once abroad your denunciations of the man and his policies will have to be forthright and tireless. Every time you want to say, "So you guys say crisps for chips, and chips for fries, right?", stop, think, and then say "George Bush - what an asshole" instead."
It has been my intention never to mention celebs, but sometimes, well, I just can't control it, I just have to. If you look at 'go fug yourself'
and scroll down about four pics, you will see Katie Holmes as she was yesterday. She presumably looks quite different today. Now I would not wish post-natal depression on ANYONE, however, if the hand of some supervillainous being appeared from the sky with a card on which was written 'PND' and the other hand gripped me by the throat and a voice said, 'tell me who to hand this to or the planet perishes,' I wouldn't have even a moment's hesitation before pointing at KH. Having been mean, I really do hope the poor woman doesn't get it because as if having to sleep with Tom Cruise weren't enough, then tortured by the little ferret about the birth, not to mention the afterbirth - did I say not to mention that? I did, she should be spared the horror of PND.
And last, but by no means least, our very own Stephen Harper, what a Mensch, was threatening to throw all his toys out of the pram and even call another election if his ridiculous child care proposals don't get passed by the House. Go on Stevie, make my day.
new blog
6 years ago
1 comment:
No. No. Katie Holmes should not get PND. Her lovely partner should. He should get it so bad that he can't get up (or get it up) for forty days and forty nights. Maybe if we all wish very hard, the tooth fairy will came down when he is sleeping and touch his head and stomach and penis and he will instantly be depressed. Which of course will make Katie depressed too. But he will be MORE depressed. The nanny will of course look after the baby. Poor little thing, with those parents.
With regard to our lovely PM -- he says that what he promised before -- well that was then -- and now is now and so his promises are passe. Because he's such a wonderful person -- my heart beats like a train every time I think of him -- the cliche that he is. I can't held thinking in cliches when his face presents itself on the newspaper. I also think he's the reason I have this terrible virus. Thank God I don't watch the news on TV. I might get leprosy. At least I'm spared that.
I'm impressed with your blogs. You are so 'UP TO DATE' with your comments. You just keep going ahead with comments that make my day. Meanwhile, my writing gets worse and worse. Aren't you glad that isn't happening to you?
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