Not all the feedback I get about my blog comes through the comments feature, I get e-mails, have telephone conversations and people lie on my sofa eating wings and complain about me not talking about TV enough.
So over the past week or so, some of the things people have mentioned are these. Not enough philosophy, wrong philosopher, too much Jesus, wrong approach to Jesus, too much promiscuity in the L-Word - oh wait, no, that was someone's comment about the L-Word not my blog, not enough small talk, driving too slowly on the on-ramp (just checking to see who'd fallen asleep already) AND... not enough Hazel and Alex. That last one was from Hazel and Alex, I don't yet have a picture of Hazel, so I have posted one of Alex. I'm sure this will be remedied in the summer when Hazel comes to stay. For their information, particularly Alex who doesn't always read her e-mail, Kevin has now bought the tickets for Bard on the Beach.
So here's some TV stuff. There's a new American sitcom called 'Teachers' and this is one of the series that Carmen left the L-Word for. The advance sp on this was that it wasn't very good, but we find it quite engaging. It's funny and has some good characters, although personally I find Carmen's character rather a weak point, the others all gel together nicely, whereas Carmen, or rather Sarah Shahi as she really is, seems like a graft-on. The thing which particularly bugged me was that Kevin looked the series up in and it claimed to be based on the British series 'Teachers'. This I found bizarre because the Brit series wasn't a half-hour sitcom, but an hour-long drama. A bit like saying that 'Scrubs' is based on 'ER'. Oh well.
On Saturday (small talk) we went out to buy some Tylenol (like paracetymol)and ended up spending $40 plus in Save-On. I hadn't taken the bag Di sent me because I wasn't expecting to buy much, but I always have my small emergency cloth bag in my handbag, so I took it out and the cashier packed it. Whilst I was paying, an elderly lady was studying my bag closely.
'What does 'scheib' mean?' she asked. I should have known that this would happen one day. My bag says 'meine Leute waren im Schwarzwald und alles was sie mitgebracht haben ist diese scheiß Tasche'. Yes, bad grammar and all. 'My folks were in the black forest and all they brought back was this shit bag'. I explained it to her. I said that I didn't think anyone would ever notice. She smiled and said good-humouredly,
'Well, it makes things more interesting doesn't it?'
I'm not really feeling in a Jesusy or philosophical mood this morning, so that bit isn't going to be covered, but Austen did send me the absolutely cutest picture ever of Holly holding her palm cross aloft. I'd love to share it by posting it here, but since my blog can be accessed by anyone on the internet, I thought better of it. Alex on t'other hand, well she's old enough. Not enough Alex and Hazel? Careful what you wish for my kitten.
new blog
6 years ago
As I WAS paying attention, what the hell is an 'on ramp'? Due to a 'herbal' afternoon I have an image of one of those disabled ramps (Like at the library)with women with PMS tied up like dogs! The posh ones will have 'D' Locks or similar. They can hug, weep, fight,glare and pick up, mid sentence, a conversation started a fortnight ago without involving me!
The 'herbal-ness' of my day was caused by my laptop dying on me. No signs of illness, just died. To make it worse the fecking guarantee ran out 2 days ago. 2 FECKING DAYS! Allowing for time zones the aftershocks of my rage will be with you shortly! To make it worse the only words bouncing round my ruined mind are "In-built Obsolescence" and the depression that it probably won't spur me to write the "New" Death of a Salesman... Ho Hum, Where are my rizlas?
jeez, you know what, I'm NOT having a herbal afternoon, but I can't for the life of me think what we call it. You know the annoying bit of a road when you go from a normal road onto the motorway and a huge number of accidents are caused there, like the access road or something.
Bloody hell, that's pantasaurous rex with the laptop and yours is a proper one too, not like one of those cheapo useless things we used to get from school. Since my entire life used to - and still does but to a lesser extent - revolve around my laptop, I can totally empathise.
A slip road?...
The rage I felt about the laptop was mega, I hadn't felt like that in SO long I actually went and had a look at my face in the mirror!!
Beta Blockers are kept the rage within.... Grrr... Barely..
but affected my use of 'tense'....
yes, yes, slip road, that's it. When you looked in the mirror, had your skin gone green and were your muscles starting to pop out of your clothes? Cos if you do turn into the incredible hulk and you become unrecognisable, I can think of some uses for that....
I was a really nasty shade of white. (Similar to a mad Irishman at a BBQ!) It wasn't good.. There is a vein ATM has in her forehead, that used to glow green just before she would try and choke the life out of me..... I have it.. Got to be a genetic rage marker.
(ATM = Attila The Mum)
I believe during the wings eating that I was actually sitting on the sofa.
I just read that the original idea for L-Word Carmen was that she be quite androgynous. A Latino woman actually tried out but was turned down in favour of Sarah Shahi, who doesn't actually speak Spanish and thus when she does so, apparently does it with a horrible accent. She is actually part-Iranian. the L-Word information just keeps pouring in.
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