Friday, 2 June 2006


British gardens and Canadian gardens are both beautiful, but both different. I'd hypothesise that it is because we have older houses in Britain and thus older gardens, and that is most certainly true, but even our newer gardens are different. Another obvious difference is the plants, some the same, many different.

A garden is nonetheless a thing to be desired. Old, new, perfectly laid out, overgrown, it is your private space where you can lie on your back and look up at the sky. Where your tortoise can hide whilst you set off your fireworks. Where you can read your book in the summer and go and sulk in the winter. There's nothing like looking out on your garden with a sprinkling of snow in the winter and there's nothing like being surrounded by greenery and soft scents in the summer.

Today was a garden day. The sky was an absolute azure as I lay on my back in Austen and Sue's garden. A bird in one of the trees picked through some of its old fluffy feathers, wriggled itself into a more comfortable position and ignored me.

Tomorrow Kevin goes back without me. I should have been going back, but have to stay another week, *fingers crossed*.

Short, but sweet, like Okanagan ice wine.


Anonymous said...

the weather must be good if you are lying out in the garden looking up at the bird in the tree. I suppose you are remaining because of the your passport and visa. Never mind, enjoy it while you may. Kiss the baby one more time. Buy sometime really British that will make you happy when you look at it in Canada on your return. We'll be glad to see you, but don't hurry, relax and enjoy your time there.AR

Anonymous said...

Janis -
- none of my friends will play with me
- the weather has been bad so I can't play in the playground
- the boys don't like me
I need you to come back and make this all better.


Anonymous said...

My garden is TOO hot to sit in today!
Tortoise is loving it though.
