It isn't of course, far from it, but it feels that way.
Two minutes after I got up this morning, the phone rang and my son Ben told me that the rest of the family were on the ground.
Relief, just as the night before they arrived, the night they left, we hardly slept.
The house is quiet.
I dreamt that lights were dancing around me as I went down the stairs, but those lights are dancing somewhere else, still, while they're dancing and happy, so am I.
Back at work, things are winding down for the summer programmes.
There was a new snake, a red Northwestern whose presence outside had closed down the restorations, it was feared it was different snake from an endangered species until finally he was caught and identified.
I have my laptop back, I'm very grateful. I think Kevin's a genius, but he doesn't.
The sun is still shining, the sky is bluer than ever, but summer is over. For now.
new blog
6 years ago
And my summer ends today with a return to the classroom tomorrow...I can't be nearly so poetic as you--plain and simply, "This sucks!" Dawn
D'oh! And i did actually think of you as I was writing.
Scotland also probably are back in the classroom when you are.
Prepare for the next Pompey invasion!
There are sixty bottles of wine downstairs, what other preparations do I need? ;)
Can you send me the time your flight gets in.
Do you want to drive 'down south'? We could visit your friend Mona without too much trouble one weekend, and if you do want to do that, can you ask her to recommend a B&B?
Crikey! 60 should do it!
Mara, has had to take her 96yr old Mum to California because the humidity in New Mexico was doing her in.
She is gutted that she won't be around.
Will let you know other stuff.
60?? Did I miss a bender somewhere along the way? That was just the recent bottling. We should have more than twice that in the old cabinet now.
Kev.. I bow to the Viscount of the Vine!
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