Friday, 3 August 2007

Tempus Fugit

It positively flees.

I can't believe that two of the three weeks of my family's visit are almost over. We've done a lot, but there's a lot we haven't done also. Some of the things are ones on my list, some are between the activities things, like just hanging around and watching TV.
No matter, their just being here is sufficient for me.

Our wine cupboard now has a batch of white in it - in preparation for Sleepy's visit. Kevin tells me it's good stuff.

In the world at large, a wildfire in California, another in the BC interior, horrendous flooding in India and Bangladesh where my friend Dawn is currently, an outbreak of foot and mouth in Guildford in England.
These of course pale into insignificance next to my own discomfort, difficult to tell for sure since the weather is still so bloody hot, but I feel like I've been having one long hot flush for most of the day.

I'm interested. Idi Amin had 43 children - as far as he knew - he was a spectacularly depraved and bloodthirsty dictator, now one of his offspring has been convicted for his part in the gang murder of a young man from Somali. So what were the odds? Was it simply a chronicle foretold?
One thing I liked about 'The Last King of Scotland' was that it didn't buy into the whole 'evil British empire' shite.
The sentiment is mooted.... and then soundly dispelled. It was a good film though, considering what a tall order it is to deal even partly with any aspect of the patchwork of problems in any of the African countries, that film did a sterling job.

Alex and Sue went to see 'Pirates of the Carribean 3' tonight. Alex was looking forward to a Depp-fest. But they came back sadly disappointed with the film, even dear, dear Johnny wasn't up to snuff. Kiera, according to reports, was lamer than ever. Poor show really, and nearly three hours of it.

Tempus didn't exactly fugit for them.

1 comment:

Sleepy said...

Mmmm....Vin Blanc