A hairy woodpecker. You may have to click on the picture to see it properly.
I love the idea of 'random acts of feminism'. Back in November, the Guardian asked women to send in their suggestions, they gave the example of turning all the lads' mags round so the covers face the wall.
I would like to think of a random act of feminism, but I think I try never to miss an opportunity to do the feminist right thing so that I simply miss the random.
Turning off the TV occasionally might be something.
I was relieved to hear that Hillary had won the New Hampshire vote. I know there's still a very long way to go, but this was good.
Today started with a sprinkling of snow, by the end of the day, the snow had been replaced by rain.
So, yet again we are told that moderate drinking is good for our hearts. Well, fine by me, mid-life seems to have curtailed all but moderate drinking for me. Any more and I experience severe overheating. The re-packaged news about drinking comes with a follow-up piece of advice though, exercise and moderate drinking are a stonkingly good combo. And by sheer good fortune, one of the only ways to turn off the central heating is some kind of exercise.
Chillies, on the other hand, don't seem to have the same effect as other types of heat. Fortunately, I, like many Brits, are rather partial to very hot food. We are, as has been said many times, actually addicted to it. But it seems that there is evidence to show that chillies, like turmeric, may protect against cancer.
Good show.
The New Scientist reports that some animals can be killed by a surfeit of chocolate, not us though, in fact chocolate, could we ever eat it without sugar, could protect us from all kinds of ailments, dental decay for a kick-off and apparently e-coli to boot.
But a New Zealand parrot died after ingesting a relatively small amount that it found in the garbage. For pity's sake, what was chocolate doing in the garbage anyway?
A German shepherd, the dog, not the Lederhosen-wearing mountain wanderer, can be killed by eating just 240 grams of the ambrosia. Again, who would give their poochie such special but deadly treatment?
Instead of their German shepherd, if it's good chocolate, people should give it to me. I will consider it a random act of feminism. I do, after all, find chocolate empowering.
new blog
6 years ago
You could buy Teddy a Barbie and the Girls, Action Men and Meccano!
Well, both Teddy and Holly got mega blocks for Christmas, I think Dora the Explorer is a pretty good female role model for little girls.
But as for Barbie - well whatever happened to Sindy and Patch I wonder? Sindy was far less ridiculously proportioned and didn't wear so much hot pink.
Or Twinkle?
What happened to Twinkle?
I don't think I remember Twinkle...
Kind of 'Bunty' affair!
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