We are having some WILD weather. This morning, big rain beating down. This evening major wind. Some would say gales, although people in the south-east of England are probably more likely to remember Gales Ales as a brewery.
Last Wednesday evening, I missed a debate about a new women's radio station. I had intended to go but then I had a meeting at work. And it turns out it was hijacked by militant lesbians. Militant lesbians! And I missed it!
Now, it isn't my intention to make light of this. Iran is being urged to end death by stoning. And well they bloody well should, especially in view of the general practice of blaming women for everything...and then stoning them for it. For example,
"One of the eight women currently facing execution was allegedly forced into prostitution by an abusive husband who was a heroin addict, Amnesty says.
She was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment for being an accomplice to the murder of her husband - by one of her clients - and to death by stoning for adultery. "
Now this is horrible. But...in the American language, this would be called death by rocking, and somehow that doesn't sound quite as bad.
My assistant Alex is back. In time honoured fashion I have given him a task that is beyond my own expertise. He is creating a website, and doing a damned good job of it too.
Meanwhile, we're supporting reality radio. Erm..or something like that. Our friend, my previous assistant Rob, is in a competition called 'CKNW Talk Show Idol', if he wins, he gets his own talk show. I have no idea what CKNW is or stands for, but we're pulling for Rob and we'll be listening in tomorrow.
new blog
6 years ago
Militant Lesbians??
I know! Who knew that lesbians could be militant and what could they possibly be militant about?
Oh, true enough, you can't get them for love nor money here!
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