Tuesday, 31 July 2012

All's Well that Ends Well

Last day of July - where did the month go?

My schedule changed in July - I've been working Monday to Friday as I will throughout August, and my day starts and ends earlier.

Tonight, in Superstore, I used my bolshie Brit powers for the greater good. At least it turned out that way.

I came up to the queue at the self service checkout and a woman was arguing with three members of staff and an Asian man was just standing quietly by  one of the checkouts.

'Oho,' thought I, 'entertainment!' but then I quickly realised it was annoying because they were blocking the checkout and it wasn't being used. So I struck up some comradely small talk with the two people in front of me. 'What's occurring?' I asked.
'Woman, grumble grumble, argument, grumble, grumble,' they vaguely said. So I went up to the member of staff nearest to us and said,
'Can these people use this checkout?'
'There's an argument.' she said,
'Yes, but the checkout's not being used, can these people use it?'
'The man is there,'
'But he's not using it.' So she shuffled around a bit and I went over to the man who was at the checkout but not using it.
'Scan your stuff,' I said. He just looked at me. 'Start scanning,' I said, 'scan your shopping,' so he did and the arguing woman moved away and the staff dispersed. I went back to the queue and the woman in front of me said,
'Good job, why didn't we do that?'
'Because you're not as bossy and unpleasant as me,'
'But you did it so nicely!' she said, with no detectable sarcasm,
'Really?' said I, 'I thought I was quite rude.'

Oh well, all's well that ends well as it were.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

And Nasturtiums

Oh dear. The Olympics approach. And just as we were without snow when we had ours, Britain seems to be about to float away. What fun.

Here in Canada, things seem to be too hot, particularly on the east coast, and causing people to do atrocious things. There have been two shootings in Ontario recently, and yesterday on the news we witnessed the raw sorrow of the parents whose son was murdered on videocam, which was then broadcast on YouTube, and then chopped up and his bits and pieces sent across the country. The accused had pleaded not guilty, natch. Nauseating.

At the Schloss, all is not well. We have discovered mould growing in Laurence's flat, due to piss poor installation of the shower by previous owners. At present, walls, floor and shower have been ripped down, up and out. Decontamination continues and it's fortunate indeed that even on the west coast, we are currently suffering under the unrelenting sun.

We have two tomatoes on our plants. Not much I agree. Looks as though we might get some spuds this year. And nasturtiums.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012


Mid-July. July seems to be going so quickly. My schedule has changed for the summer and I'm working Monday to Friday instead of Tuesday to Saturday, and I'm starting earlier in the day. The days are hot now, after a June of rain, heat and sunshine, and trouble sleeping because of it.

Funny that we have these long evenings and no TV - but it makes it feel as though you can get something done after work, instead of just vegging.

Kevin has done a lot of work at the Static. He has made new steps to replace the old, rotten ones. We've reclaimed some space in the garden and Kevin has built a fence to define it. He's built a bedframe to replace the old-fashioned and much too high, divan set, made new bedside tables and he has laid new flooring.

Now, we discover new challenges in the house. The basement has problems and we are looking at how to approach it.

The pace of life hasn't altered.