At the weekend, the fairly new laptop started having a severe case of indigestion. I couldn't do more than a couple of things before it would freeze up. The old clunker had to be pressed into service, resulting in a feeling of discomfort and a distinct lack of joy. Sheesh, how can I be so dependent on a machine?
Joy was restored, however, by the final half-series of Boston Legal. Oh what a treat it is. I can't wait for the two-hour last ever ep next Monday.
Denny Crane.
People who go on holiday to Thailand, against government advice - what can you say really? Well, I know, but after a while you've gotta think that the government has to send in the troops and get its people out. Lucky that the situation looks to be over, because our government has been too busy fighting amongst themselves. Lucky that's over now too, and we are to have a coalition. And of course the abysmal anti-French prejudice is affecting people's brains, because the coalition HAS to involve the Bloc Québécois, and there are those who think this is tantamount to being in league with the devil.
I have put up Christmas decs. I'm trying to be less...well, me I suppose. Minimalist maybe. But the lights that we can get now, the low energy, LEDs, white and blue, feed into that. I can't do the coloured lights, but we do have lights.
new blog
6 years ago
Anti-French prejudice?
No Really?!
Verification Word... slamyo
All well and good in Europe where the French are another country, but here they're part of Canada, so it smacks of something far more menacing.
Slamyo :))))))
Minimalist is good.
The colored lights are annoying me lately for some reason.
I saw blue lights on a black tree on HGTV. I don't know if I would go that far. Would you?
ps. LED lights are cool. No pun intended.
OOh, yes, I think I would (blue lights on a black tree) but you know what would be even better? Those purple lights they call 'black lights'. LOVE those.
well there's one more use for a black light. The glowy tapastries have gone out of style yet they still make black lights
I have no use for mine.
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