Monday, 27 February 2006

Red Ken

Red Ken is the mayor of London, Ken Livingstone. He has been suspended from this job for a period of one month. Journos in general seem to be upset that he was suspended from a job to which he was elected by the people of London by a non-elected quango of henchpersons, the 'Adjudication Panel for England'. Jolly good. Fair point. Not, however THE point.

Red Ken was being pestered by journos after a do at City Hall last year. One, Oliver Finegold was in Red Ken's face and introduced himself as being from the Evening Standard. The Evening Standard is owned by the Daily Mail group who supported the Nazi party during the second world war.
When Finegold introduces himself as working for the Standard, Red Ken says,
'How awful for you.' He goes on to liken someone like Finegold who works for a group which supported Nazism to a concentration camp guard who is just getting paid to do his job.
Finegold tells Livingstone he finds his remarks offensive since he himself is Jewish. Red Ken points out that Finegold's being Jewish makes it even more unacceptable that he works for an organisation that supported fascism.

For this, Red Ken has been suspended. What has gotten into the people who are supposed to be talking sense? It does no service whatsoever to anyone who actually does suffer rascism or racial abuse for those who should be objective and know better to take something out of context like this and make a complete pigs ear out of the whole thing.

The only person who has come out of this with any dignity is Red Ken himself. I hope he wins his appeal, I hope he will be listened to. Here is what someone has to say who has worked with Red Ken.

David Irving on the other hand, a Historian of note, well, at least enough note for people to listen to his spew, offended the world and her partner by insisting publicly that the Holocaust never happened. Austria issued a warrant for his arrest. He went to Austria. He got arrested and is now behind bars. Well, well, who could know? Whatever we all think about free speech, the bottom line is he went, he opened his stupid fat gob and he got conquered.

I think I can feel a T-shirt coming on. Or it could be a sore throat with feverishness.


Anonymous said...

As Mayor of London, Ken must be invited to and attend dozens of parties. Why were the press at this one? One reason. It was a Gay party. A party to celebrate Chris Smith's 20 years as an MP. I have never read any articles about other MP's '20 years' party. So the reason the press were there in the first place? Hoping to 'Out' some poor bastard? Catch some same sex snogging? Real Pulitzer winners there.. Come on Mr Finegold, being Jewish doesn't protect you from insults when you are being a knob!

Schneewittchen said...

well, well, well, the plot thickens. I didn't know that bit of information. Hmmmmm