Saturday 27 January 2007


Strange the relationship between the physical, the mental and com- munication; blood, thought, electricity.

Our bonds with the Earth are phasic, every heartbeat contains both life and death, every breath, in, bringing air into our bodies, life; out, pushing life out, allowing in death.
Our bodies, adrift in spacetime, only anchored on the upswing of the pendulum.

'Intolerably sad, profound,
St. Giles's bells are ringing round,
Swing up and bring me hope of life,
Swing down and plunge the surgeon's knife....' John Betjeman

In, out, pulse, rest, life, death.

And then our electronic life. Human communication, we need it, it makes us feel part of the hive, but we also need solitude to renew our Self.

I have many theories. Some that are sheer whimsy, created for my own speculation : that the weather and the economy are connected.
Some are absolute beliefs, intuitively held, when we were being told to beware the high fat content of certain fruits, I knew absolutely that these fats would turn out to be good. Avocado. It was so.

Some begin in whimsy and emerge. The plane of communication links us more physically than we realise. Blood and electricity.
Yesterday my electronics were playing with me. They weren't just misbehaving, they were being puckish. Let me in here, block me there, let me see a glimpse of this before refusing me authorisation.
Blogger has developed Artificial Intelligence, it is linked to my menstrual cycle.

When I was first here, living here, I was always being told how much we Brits like to talk about our bodily functions. I guess we do, but I don't think it's Brits, I think it's Europeans, I've never noticed the French or German or Spaniards having any problem discussing body fluids .... well or not-so-fluids.
It's in our humour, it's in our natural conversation. And frankly, I don't care. We're just...earthy.

Menstruation and intelligence are linked, I'm convinced of it, it is at puberty that girls develop superpowers. Thought is based on language, language on thought, women talk, we share ideas, we pass information along, and our web of communication is the high tensile steel net which holds society together.

Blood, physical being. Here's another theory. The observation by women and then scientists, that women who live or work together become synchronised is generally held to be because of pheromones, or hormones, or just moans. Whatever.
But I have long since noticed that some of the women that I am in the closest contact with electronically, also synch. And we know because we talk about it. So how does that work? It could just be coincidence, but then maybe not.

The spider's web of communication. The harmony of blood. The tentative push of the psyche.
Click, double click, pulse.

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