Monday, 18 June 2007


Series three of the New Doctor Who has finally arrived here and I am liking the new assistant, although Val Barlow from very early Corrers trying to ingest someone through a straw and uttering the words,
'Oh, I'm a survivor Mr. Stoker,' was rather surreal as were the invaders who looked for all the world like Vogons.
Mixed metaphors, not really, but mixed sci-fi, oh yes. And they are less cruel than the Vogons, they summarily execute the guilty rather than reading them poetry so awful it produces a long, slow death.
And a wonderful referential joke coming from an advert for a cold sore remedy.
'Where do they come from?' asked Martha, referring to the motorcycle helmeted aliens, 'the planet Zovirax?'

But fact, reality, the actions of human beings, are more vile and monstrous than fiction. The breaking story today of an international paedophile ring, master-minded from the UK, simply defies everything. Creatures masquerading as human beings who live and walk among us and who commit unspeakable crimes, just dwarfs everything.
It prompts everyone to sin because none of us could forgive these grossly deformed beings and most of us could come up with some unspeakable punishments for them. Punishments that would go on horribly for days, weeks if possible.
Creatures whose very existence turns the casual sinner into Satan's helper.


Sleepy said...

I'm not a huge Dr Who fan, but as you say I could come up with some pretty imaginative ways to deal with Nonces.

My own Nonce, I gave a 15 minute beating with a baseball bat. With the blokes who had driven me to his house shouting, 'Not his head babe, we haven't planned for a body'! So I battered his body paying particular attention to his genitals.
Better than any therapy!

If they are caught and jailed I think they should go in with the General Population. None of this 'Rule 43' bollocks.
Let the prisoners with kids at them.

Schneewittchen said...

Yep, I pretty much think most ppl would agree with you there.
I wonder if there's enough hurt that can be inflicted with a baseball bat on someone who has sexually abused a few months old baby.
You know how when you did history at school and there were some things that were done to ppl that made you screw up your face inside your head kinda, because you didn't even want to think about it? Well, same for this, I can't even let those images in my head.