Tuesday 13 June 2006

Demonic angels

One of the websites I read quite regularly is the journal of writer Neil Gaiman. The first work I read of his was 'Good Omens', co-authored with the inestimable Terry Pratchett. Loved that book. I was therefore rather amused, as Neil clearly was himself, to read on his website that a reader had written to him asking for advice on how to get his girlfriend back after she had broken up with him because he was reading 'Good Omens' in bed. Neil deals with it humorously as you would expect and much more patiently than I would. I think the answer is simply, why?
You need to go down to his entry for June the 11th, I don't know how to link directly to that post on his site.

Devout Christians can be odd people and they can be amazingly wonderful people, I think there should be sub-classes. More of that later.

Last night we watched a film that I had rented before we went to the UK, and in my case loitered there a while. The film was 'Everything is illuminated' starring Elijah Wood, and friends, this is one of those treasures you discover once in a while. I have to say I think what appealed to me about it was the 'Ukraine during the War' theme, because I had realised when reading a book by a Canadian author that Anne lent me not so long ago, that I had very little understanding of the Russian part in the war.
I can remember having a Russian reading phase many years ago, as one does I think I digested the complete works of Tolstoy, Solzhenitsin and Dostoyevsky all in one go and having the utter and absolute knowledge that Russians had more soul then any other nation that ever walked the planet.
Only later, well, say earlier on this year, did I realise how little I in fact knew about Russia. I still thought of it as the Soviet Union, which in its turn I thought of as Russia. But now that the USSR no longer exists as such, I keep getting taken by surprise. So...the Ukraine...mmm....Belarus....ah, that seems to translate as 'White Russia' from the German name... and so the process of recognition and familiarisation begins.

The main not-Elijah Wood character in 'Everything is Illuminated' speaks like Borat and substitutes appropriate but yet incorrect words in his English. His grandfather continually refers to Elijah's character as simply 'The Jew' until Elijah says,
'I'm not a moron you know, I can work out what that word means,'

It is a wonderful film on so many levels, not the least of which is that it makes us think of how much we have that we take for granted. There is the most brilliant scene in a hotel where Elijah's character tries to explain that he doesn't eat meat, a concept they simply can't grasp.
'Not even steak?'
'Not even chicken?'
'Surely sausages..?'
'What is wrong with him?' asks the grandfather,
'What is wrong with him?' asks the cook.
'Can he have just a potato?' asks his guide
'Potato only comes with the meat' says the cook.

Ah...you'll have to trust me, the delivery is wonderful.

So back to those devout Christians for a moment before I return to the Nature Park to rehearse for my acting debut as Darwin the Drone - a short-lived career since the school programmes finish this week.

Yesterday Simmi and I were horrified at this article. Orthodox Christians heckled and assaulted other human beings. Talk about giving the side a bad name.
I know I do this same thing from time to time, but if Jesus had just suddenly appeared at this rally, the Jesus we know from the New Testament, would he be going,
'Come on lads, let's give this lot a good kicking,' ? See, I'm thinking not, unless I've misread the whole thing. I think he's going to say, 'Hey lads, we're all human beings, all they're wanting is to love who they want, which was kinda what I was trying to say anyway, so let's all go for a beer shall we? Oh, hang on, make that a goblet of wine, and if we've only got water, I can deal.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your comments today were lovely. I had an argument with my daughter a while ago and was feeling rather sad about the whole thing, and now after reading your blog I feel a whole lot better. There is something "soft" in your writing that soothes my soul. If I have one. Thank you.