Last week she was busted several times over for running 'bawdy houses'. Yep, gotta love the legalese, always there to give you a chuckle. Two of her bawdy houses were right here in Richmond, one of them on a nice, ordinary residential street. My friend Yvonne pointed it out to me yesterday as we drove past it. A boarded-up bawdy house.
Pinky has been a very naughty girl. She has been trafficking in women from East Asia, bringing them over to do domestic work, then channelling them straight into her establishments of ill repute. The ones the police have in custody will be sent home and not allowed to return to Canada for one year. Enough already with the soft cushions.
Madam Pinky Xu however, could be facing ten years for 'living on the avails of prostitution'. She'll be out in three and probably have her own TV show in four.
There's never a dull moment here in sunny Richmond.
For reasons that I am completely unable to fathom, some people are still having difficulty posting comments. I'm unhappy about this, people should be able to comment if they wish, I don't have comment moderation enabled and I can't see any reason why it's being arsey, but I apologise anyway.
When I was still hopping backwards and forwards across the Atlantic, I used to look forward to the smell of the hazelnut flavoured coffee we have here. Now I take it for granted, in fact maybe I don't even notice it anymore, but every so often I'll be taken by surprise by it and have a little moment. Pathetic.
I was reading not so long ago, but for the life of me I can't remember where, that reading Shakespeare makes kids smarter. The reason for this is the complicated language and patterns, and I can understand that. It's also another reason to keep Shakespeare in the curriculum, let them do it every day in fact. And Shakespeare can be quite bawdy at times.
At the Nature Park today, the morning's group were such a right royal pain in the arse that by contrast, this afternoon's state school from a dodgy part of Delta were a breath of fresh air.
When the children, with only minimum prompting all said thank-you when I gave something out and all stood as I told them to, hands by their sides while I demoed for them I told their teacher how polite and good at following instructions they were. I swear her jaw actually dropped open as she stared at me in disbelief.
Yesterday on 'Little Mosque on the Prairie', I loved this line,
'Sarah, be a man, give up.'
I might have Pinky as my new middle name when I change mine!
That or 'fight me', a la the Mayhem child whose surname was a vitamin D deficiency!
Maybe it is the 'censors' who have trouble posting. Ironic.
So, if memory serves, so far we have 'Pinky Kunting-Beaverhousen' right? It does have a certain je ne sais quoi. No seriously, je ne sais quoi.
Oh, and no, deffo not the censors, two quite other people told me.
Binty Pinky Kunting-Beaverhousen!
I had to post when I saw the verification word was "umfngb". I've had issues where it's asked me to verify the word again, even though I was positive I got it right the first time. Hmm, why do they call it "word" verification anyways?
And it did it to me again!!! pspixd!!!
I know, that's really annoying Gail, it always happens to me too, not when I post here, but when I comment on Sleepy's, guess it's a gremlin.
I always have to do the verification thing a couple of times.
I thought it was me being a bit of a mong!
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