A propos of nothing in particular, I have often wondered whether coffee based liqueur drinks such as Tia Maria and Kahlua contain caffeine. I'm mightily affected by caffeine and so it's important to me. Regular filter coffee can contain anywhere between 60 and 120 milligrams of the stuff for an 8 ounce cup, decaf between 1 and 5.
Now if it does turn out that Kahlua contains caffeine, then someone such as myself can only drink it in the morning, which is bizarre, the sun's not over the yardarm then.
Googlising the question has brought me no answers, just a bunch of recipes and a particularly uninformative product homepage. Ah well.
Apparently drinking pig's milk can make you less ferocious. In a zoo in Thailand, a tiger who was brought up on said pig's milk is so relaxed that she has been given a batch of piglets wrapped in stripey tigerish fun fur coats to look after. It seems to have worked.
I can think of all kinds of applications for such knowledge.
One such application might be to treat rabbid criminals who might otherwise end up in overcrowded gaols.
However, another way to keep people out of gaol is to not attach a six month prison term for poor recycling habits.
Angry of Tunbridge Wells, or Anna as her real name is, took her cardboard to Tunbridge Wells recycling centre. Unfortunately, one box fell to the floor and as sod's law would have it, it was the box which had her name and address on it. She was sent a £50 fine for doing her civic duty and informed that she was lucky to have been let off a six month sentence.
I have received an e-mail from British Gas informing me that their prices are going down. This is a real bummer for me since they don't deliver gas to British Columbia, you'd think they would given the name.
And I don't see why they can't either. I never really understood the whole competition thing as it pertained to gas and electricity supply. You were always being bombarded with various suppliers who wanted to supply it more cheaply. And yet it seems the fuel supply itself didn't change, just the recipient of your money. I found it mind-boggling. There, just then, my mind boggled at the very thought of it again.
Interestingly, and this news item goes back a few weeks now, the State of California is trying to sue US and Japanese car manufacturers for polluting and causing global warming (over California presumably). Well tickety-boo. I know what you're thinking, that obviously this goes hand-in-hand with a demand for smaller cars only to be sold in that State, or only zero emission cars, or maybe that they are cutting their own fleet of 37,000 State cars. You'd think that, but you'd be wrong.
Equally lazy thinking on the news last night is a drastic measure to cut AIDS in Africa. Too much effort to put money into educating people to change their sexual habits, or even persuade certain governments that there actually is a problem. Nope. The answer is to mutilate small children. Go forth and cut their foreskins off, not for any religious reasons, just for fun really. A wave of mutilation. And apparently it's ok because
'People in North America have been doing it for a long time,' so let me run that past you again, we mutilate our children, so why shouldn't you?
Hmmmm.......It does seem astonishing that we even have AIDS in North America at all. Perhaps it's God punishing us for thinking we can improve on the design.
All I can say is, Africans, beware of North Americans bearing rusty scalpels, no good will come of it.
I love the special buzz one can get from expresso and lemon Vodka!
Mmmmm.... Yummers!
Cripes! I can only imagine.....
We'll sort that for your next trip...
Have the expresso machine (It does decaff!!) Duty Free is all we need for the vodka!
Well, well, I do believe Duty Free is up and running again. (Think it was just about last time I came over too, but they weren't telling anyone).
Does it work with poceen? Surely that's the same as vodka but makes you go blind quicker.
I couldn't remember how to spell poceen, so I tried a few variations out on google. I must admit, I'd never heard the term 'pochine' before. Hmmmm...
I think it is somethig like Poitin, with an accent somewhere.
I drank it with 'The Cousins' in Dublin.
I was carried out,dribbling, and laid in the back of the car.
I remained there until I got too freaked out by their neighbour's Scared Heart statue, with flashing heart.
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