Friday 12 March 2010


The winter that keeps on giving. Tonight we have the opening ceremony of the Paralympics. Fracking hell Sleepy, good thing you're not here, we'd be blubbing like a right pair. Spec-bloody-tacular!
Kevin's looking forward to the ice-sledge hockey, it's supposed to be insane, pardon the NON-inclusive language. And everyone seems to have lightened up. The Governor General is dancing, and Harper almost smiled!

Laurence and I went to the Aberdeen Mall today. One of the shops was demonstrating the Sony e-reader. Very nice, I am smitten.
We went to the Daiso store and Laurence bought a tin with holes in the lid. It was a sort of ashtray, and its charm rested in the interesting ancient Chinese proverb around it, 'Always Never Over Smoking'.
Good advice, or deep wisdom, or something.


Sleepy said...

Always Never Over Smoking is going to be my motto while I go through the hell of giving up!

Schneewittchen said...

Yes, use it as a mantra and the ancient Chinese wisdom will calm you. And those around you. Or not.