Wednesday 30 May 2007


I have been drinking water all day, which seems somewhat obvious in the heat and yet it was only when we had a big push at Mayhem to have pupils carry water bottles with sports tops that I started to carry one myself.
The initiative gave us permission to drink water during lessons as well.
This was the beginning of the 'accelerated learning' programme, the very first step, keep them hydrated.

Today, I had to do something I am very, very loathe to do, I had to undermine a class teacher. Her school arrived late, or, more accurately, she arrived late. Waiting for her, one little girl was industriously distributing sun creme. I remembered that mine needed re-applying.
When the teacher arrived she was a little fuzzy around the edges. She kind of told them not to go to the water fountain, but not very clearly, so I exploited the lack of clarity by praising the sun creme girl and asking them all to go and have a drink before we started the programme.

Why are we always caught out by weather? If it snows it is as though it has never snowed before. If it is windy in the autumn, likewise. And in the summer, grown people have never heard of sunstroke or the damaging effects of sun on their skin, or that they need to drink more water than usual.
The one thing I would always take with me when I took kids away on trips to Europe were a couple of large containers of water, because for some reason, and this in spite of my insistence that they should all bring water bottles, their parents wouldn't have thought of it.

So, I'm sticky from ambre solaire, but I'm hydrated and we have a shower.

Kevin was telling me about a case he had read in one of the Vancouver newspapers. A resident living in a flat was suing a resident in another flat in the same building ......... because they smoke.
The first wants the second removed from the building. But this is a condo complex, both residents own their flats. It seems to me that the suer is going after the wrong person. If he or she can smell the smoke in their own flat, then surely the problem lies in the way the place is built.
You might think the case would just be thrown out, but who knows.
If it isn't, it could be a pretty scary precedent.


kdf said...

I related the story from letters to the editor. Not the most accurate source of info. I managed to dig this up.

Scarier to me is that one article mentioned that the strata council was initially requested to act. Now, as a member of our council here, I'm not sure how exactly we're supposed to react. We have no recourse aside from fines that we can't even collect unless the owner volunteers to pay them. I just can't see how much longer this kind of living can continue. No one wants to be in the position of having to patrol the behaviour of other adults, taking on the liability when they decide to sue you for infringing on their rights, whatever those may be. Can't wait until we can afford something nicely detached.

Schneewittchen said...

Thanks for the link, very interesting article.

Sleepy said...

I don't drink water..... Fish fuck in it.

Schneewittchen said...

And this is a problem because......

Sleepy said...

....Potential baby fish floating around in it.