Friday, 24 July 2009


Friday, affectionately known around here as Frydog.
Yesterday, the rest of the crew arrived, Gott sei Dank. We missed the wonderful moment when they walk out into arrivals, because....we hadn't quite arrived there ourselves.

Thursday morning, the time of arrival on the YVR website changed suddenly from 12.15 to 13.34.
Back at Gatwick, the plane had departed on time....but only from the gate. It moseyed around for a while and then the pilot decided that the blinking light on his panel was not to be ignored. All this truth-telling by the airlines these days is disquieting. The passengers weren't comforted to know that a sensor was mis-functioning. Especially when the pilot then announced that in fact, all was well and he was going to take off. I'm sure at least someone was thinking,
'Did he just say, "I'm going to risk it"?'

But...fair do's, the plane arrived safe and sound and clearly slightly before the new time that had been scheduled.
In the arrivals lounge, Austen was thinking,
'They're not here, should we just go to Tim Horton's?'
Heading towards the arrivals lounge,
"Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars..."
I was thinking,
'They won't be through customs for twenty minutes at least, should I just go to Tim Horton's?'

The car hire business has become rather more competative since the last time they visited. This time, the same mini-van was hired for less than half the cost. Then the hard sell,
'Wanna buy a watch? Wanna buy a diamond ring?'
Well, not quite.
'For just nine dollars more you could have this key,' said the sales assistant.
'This is the key to a car with fully leather seats and TWO sunroofs,'
'Nine dollars a day though,'
'No thanks.'

And would they help fitting the child seats? Would they 'eck as like.
Had they been English, they'd have been sucking their breath in, shaking their heads and saying,
'Ooh, no guvnor, can't help you there, be more'n my job's worth,'

Rather impressively, Austen made it to nightfall. Full strength coffee was involved.

Tonight, the troops go off to see a Canadian Football game and I am babysitting the children.


Anonymous said...

you have a spelling error!!!!!!!!! Janis!!!!!!!!!!!

Schneewittchen said...

Ah...Freitag -> Freidog -> Frydog.

Anonymous said...

- Karen

Schneewittchen said...

So noted.
A lesser person would just have said,
'new usage,' or...carried on using a wrongly spelt word as though it were a new word.
Just saying.

Sleepy said...

Are we ignoring the crimes against Exclamation Marks?
To be honest I don't see what the problem is.
Please explain.

Karen Rickard said...

Have a fantastic time with the family Janis.

Schneewittchen said...

Thanks (British) Karen !

Sleepy - Them as doesn't drink, dun't ..... well, it's like being the designated driver at the party.