A rainy Thanksgiving Day of rest, relaxation and recovery.
Leftovers and TV, lots of TV.
Sex and the City movie. Lightweight but enjoyable. Unlike so much TV, well-written dialogue.
M.Night Shamalayan's latest, 'The Happening' - disappointing, although the Dutch subtitles provided a layer of interest.
Back episodes of Eureka. Fun.
Dexter. *Shivers*; Jimmy Smits - intense, Dex's sister's new haircut makes her look no less mannish.
The Mentalist. Mental.
How I met your mother - next on the list.
One day confined to barracks is lovely, a treat, more than that, and I get cabin fever to go with the physical one.
Baroness Thatcher's birthday, how fitting that the global markets should come back to life on the Queen of Monetary Policy's special day, or is it irony that the Labour Party played a fiscal blinder?
new blog
6 years ago
I don't believe Dexter's sister was born a woman.
She's got a jaw line like Buzz Lightyear.
I know! And do you keep looking for her Adam's apple too?
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